Call Us: +353 87 61 87 990

Welcome to Sreads Plastering

Spreads Plastering has a great reputation of offering high quality plastering services, both in terms of service and workmanship. We are committed to innovate and use the best of improvements to ensure that our patrons remain satisfied for the services we provide.

We work with the best of professionals in the industry and ensure to maintain uniqueness in our work. At the same time, we also ensure that the plastering service we provide is tailored as per your necessities. At Spreads Plastering, you can always expect high standards and it reflects in our services.

Because of several years of experience, we have grown as a premiere service provider in the field of plastering. We are trusted, referred and recommended for wide range commercial as well as residential assignments.

We ensure that all finishes come with standards of excellence, whether it is interior or exterior. We also provide excellent finishes applying both hand and machine. Call us or email us for latest updates on our offers and services.

Dear Spreads Plastering Team:

  • Thank you so much for your help in building our dream home! Your input was invaluable and we know the house would have never turned out so well without your efforts..."

Joe and Nadine Marino - Navan Lane, Navan

  • Dear Alan, Thanks for repairing the garage. It seemed to be a bigger job than I anticipated. We appreciate you standing behind your work even though we realize it was way past the warranty period. It would be great if all businesses had your integrity.
    Thank you again

Jim and Michelle Fetten - Tamarron Way, Dublin

  • Dear Alan, I can't believe it has been three years since we moved into our house! As we are so prominently situated on Marsh road, we still have people ringing our doorbell asking who built our home. This is a tribute to both of you. Without a doubt, we always recommend you highly.

Roberto Mass - Seagrave Drive, Dublin

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